Richard Blake: The Late Bloomer Turned OG BALLA

Richard Blake: The Late Bloomer Turned OG BALLA

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Richard Blake's life has been a journey filled with sports and athleticism, but it was basketball that remained an unexplored territory until he reached the age of thirty-seven. This tale is about a sports fanatic whose love for the game took root later in life, proving that it's never too late to embrace a new passion.

A Lifetime of Sports

Growing up, Richard was a true sports enthusiast. He dabbled in baseball, football, and, most notably, soccer, where he excelled and played all the way into college. Despite his prowess in other sports, basketball remained an enigma for Richard. It wasn't until he hit his late thirties that he ventured onto the court.

The Celtic Inspiration

Richard's journey into basketball was sparked by a deep admiration for the legendary Boston Celtics of the eighties. Their finesse, teamwork, and incredible victories ignited a passion in Richard that couldn't be ignored. He decided it was finally time to give basketball a shot.

From Novice to Seasoned Player

Richard's initiation into the world of basketball began at a local gym. He joined pick-up games, learning the ropes and honing his skills through sheer determination and grit. Starting at an advanced age had its challenges, particularly in terms of physical ability, but Richard compensated with a keen mental understanding of the game. He always managed to find himself on winning teams during Saturday morning runs by understanding his role and contributing strategically.

The Ageless Baller

Fast forward to today, and at sixty-three, Richard is still a regular presence on the basketball court every Saturday morning. He enjoys the challenge of taking on younger players and isn't shy about some friendly trash-talking regarding mental and physical prowess in the game. Richard's Saturdays typically consist of securing two to three wins before departing the gym, eagerly anticipating the next week's run.

More Than Just a Game

While Richard now divides his time between basketball and pickleball due to some physical limitations, his love for the basketball court endures. For him, it's about the social connections, the thrill of competition, and, above all, the sheer passion for the game. Many of Richard's closest friends were made on the court, and he's even maintained relationships with friends he met on the court two decades ago.

Proud Moments and Lifelong Learning

One of Richard's proudest moments was stepping onto the court for his first game with official referees and box scoring. It felt like being in a real NBA game, and it was a testament to his dedication to the sport. Richard has also claimed multiple titles at the local gym, with his most recent win at the age of sixty-one. He's determined to play until his physical abilities no longer allow, proudly declaring himself "OG BALLA for life."

The Eternal Flame for Basketball

As Richard continues to age, the fire for basketball burns as brightly as ever. He's convinced that he's become a smarter and better player with time, challenging the notion that basketball is a game exclusively for the young. Richard's journey exemplifies the essence of being an OGBALLA—an individual whose passion for basketball transcends age and physical limitations.

In the words of Richard himself, "If I have to die, I want it to be with a beautiful lady or on the basketball court." For Richard Blake, life is all about embracing passions, challenging boundaries, and living as an OGBALLA through and through -Balling All The Way Into The Next Life.

1 comment

Richard Blake
Richard Blake

One of the inspirations that helps keep motivating me these days is Donovan the CEO and Founder of OGBALLA! His passion and dedication to the game as well as his positivity towards teammates who may not be on his talent level including me, makes me want to keep playing and helping my team get WINS !

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