I believe in the power of the game of basketball to transform lives; to provide an outlet for good energy and a motivation to stay in shape and feel young. 

Unlike many basketball players, I didn’t grow up learning the game. I actually never picked up a basketball until I was 19 years old. I grew up in Jamaica playing cricket and when I moved here was drawn to the courts. Underestimating the skill required, I came to play and was severely embarrassed by my underwhelming performance. I actually didn’t even realize how lacking my skills were until a young girl on the sidelines announced that others should, “watch out for that guy!” I had been chucking the ball overhand at the basket.

After that experience, instead of being turned off by the game, I was energized by the challenge to find a way to get better. I found a quiet court and practiced and practiced. Eventually, I gained enough confidence to face my peers. Not only was I able to keep up, but soon, I was able to beat my cousin who had grown up playing basketball.


Nowadays, I personally play ball to keep myself in shape, build friendships with other players and stay mentally sharp. When I’m at a basketball court practicing or playing a game, time effortlessly and seamlessly goes by. The sport keeps me young at heart and is a great cardiovascular workout. Over the years, I’ve played with athletes of all abilities including former Division 1 college players and retired NBA players. Listening to former NBA greats talk about their legacy, I realized that they appreciate the money earned from playing the sport but nothing beats the pure childhood love of the game.

Basketball is an incredible teacher and I am so passionate about teaching others the skills to enjoy the game and to get to the next level - whatever that may be for them.


OGBALLA was launched in 2023. It was created out of a desire to stir passion in both young and the aged who love the sport. When I am playing, I will sometime hear other people talking about getting too old to play. I would joke around saying, "are you too old to ball or are you old because you don't ball?" An OG Baller is someone who is ridiculously old, one might even call them Archaic, yet still they find a way to be awesome" OGBalla is someone who is getting old yet have the energy and the passion to still play. For me, basketball is that activity that keeps me going. It may be something else for you.
With OGBALLA, I am on a mission to design and create trendy, yet playful clothing that will bring a smile to someone's day, and also ignite the passion to continue doing what you can to keep "young." They do say that we are as young as we feel. I do not promise you the secret to Eternal Youth, but what I aim to do is give you something that will motivates and keep you young at heart. I know that is a tall order, but together we can!

I also see myself growing this company into the future. We will keep everyone in the loop on our progress! OGBALLA is here to make inroads in the fashion industry.

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